31 August 2008
the blackout.
And more likely this will be just short.

Have just watched UAAP - it was between UE Red Warriors and UST Growling Tigers. My bet? I remained neutral. (Just like the game of UE and Ateneo.)

During the 2nd quarter and I was happy on the performance that the Red Warriors were manifesting, a blackout happened in Ultra. I was laughing since it was even televised. HAHA. I started thinking, what if the lights won't be back after 15 minutes? And some other random thoughts.

Anyway, hands down to UST Growling Tigers - even though they didn't win, they have showed a good game. Making the 22-point gap to 2 points was something to be amazed of. OH! And Paul Lee of UE? HE WAS IN BLAZING FIRE! He did a great job. I hope he'll continue playing that way, because he was playing that kind of style last season.

So, the final four would be Ateneo, UE, FEU and La Salle (that in random order.). And that makes Ateneo vs. UE?

Reaction? IT WOULD SO MUCH EXCITING. *nods* (Yeah, because that's my dream finals - although UST didn't make it.)

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posted by LJ at 8:05 PM - 0 comments
23 August 2008
A Hero. The Hope. The Future.
I was fond of watching a lot of things this past few days. Being a couch potato sometimes do a lot of good things too. It's bad to sleep late at night, but it's my way of fighting my insomnia back - which been bugging me this past few days ago. I had time to catch up with the news and one of it is the 25th death anniversary of Ninoy Aquino.

When my mom saw this commercial about a documentary dedicated for him, she begun saying, "He is such a kindhearted person. He is courageous, smart and open-minded. He is also dangerous for the government during his time - and that is the time when I was carrying you in my womb." I was puzzled. I didn't know she had this admiration for such a brave man. She sat beside me while we were watching the news, talking about his fascination to this man - the one whom I saw in the 500 peso-bill. Then, she said, "If Ninoy was still alive, he'll probably be a president, or someone sitting in the government. He'll bring harmony and certainly will inspire a lot of people like you, who have eccentric ideas about things around. Such man can exist again in other time." Then, my mom sighed.

I know what my mom meant. She believes that there is still hope existing for the oppression and the alleviation of the worse situation of our country. Eventhough, my mom knows how negative my thinking is when it comes to the government, she knows that somewhere in my heart - there's still a living flame of belief that a bright future is waiting for the country. Definitely he knows, that someone out there would bring the peace, harmony and hope alive in the country again... just like during her days.

It's so sad to see that those people in my age have a cold shoulder treatment in the situation of my country. Mostly of my classmates would immediately want to escape from the doom happening here. I laughed my head out when they still have to serve our Mother Country for two years before going overseas. I always tell myself that I'll just go overseas for greener pastures - but will definitely go back here. There's nothing good but going back home.

Speaking of Ninoy's commemoration for his death, our school will be having a small program this coming Tuesday - the alumni was invited, and I gladly told my answer to our College Dean that I'll be there. I haven't heard much of what the program's intention and other stuffs that will be happening. Our College Dean asked me to speak in behalf of our college alumni members (who are by the way, busy filing their requirement to PRC for their license.). Since my review classes will be starting few days from now, I gave my word that I'll be doing that impromptu speech. (Gawd. I think I was known in our school because of my impromptu speeches! *toinks*)

For now, I think I should think of things that I wanted to say to those people who will be in the program. Who knows what I might do. Who knows what the impact would be. It might give a spark of hope and sooner, it'll become a flame of freedom and harmony.
posted by LJ at 3:08 PM - 0 comments
15 August 2008
Cha-cha and Bad Officiating
Oh my. Second post. Who would have thought that I'll be having a second post here? I find it cool, since I'm really lazy in updating my blog most of the time.

I watched too much Olympics last few days. I've watched who Michael Pelps of USA got his fifth gold medal. I also watched how USA beat Greece last night. I also have witness how China got the gold in the Weightlifting sports - women's edition; I actually got frustrated with this one because our representative almost made it in the finals. But, she wasn't able to lift the next few weighs. Oh well, she is still young - she can still achieve more than now.

The news that I've heard for past few days was disturbing. There was a fire that haven't put out after two days at Baclaran, then there were a lot of robbery happened, and another 'dead' issue came back alive again - The Charter Change issue. It was giving me headache since the reasons of the senators were so random. (Although, Sen. Escudero's reason is so sensible.)

I'm actually not against Federalism. As the facts presented, only the Philippines is the country in Asia that isn't a federal country. Almost 90% of Asian countries are federal state - and look the economy. One good example is South Korea - which is a Republic -Federal state.

If ever federalism pursue here in my country, I hope it will after elections. No comments on the current government. *shrugs*

Oh, oh! I saw last week the second game of Ateneo Blue Eagles against UST Growling Tigers! But, what struck me was the bad officiating. One player of Growling Tigers intentionally hurt a player from Blue Eagles - and what did the referee decided? TECHNICAL FOUL?? WTF.

UAAP today's having a bad officiating.
posted by LJ at 2:00 PM - 0 comments
11 August 2008
of all the first;
Finally, I made a first serious post in this account. I've been keeping this account for several months without posting and customizing it. Although, I have a personal livejournal account.. I can't put all the thoughts I wanted to because I can only post it to a set of friends where they can actually relate to it. So, I have to be sometimes specific of the things I should post there. Oh well..

I woke up today at around 11am. Seriously, I couldn't sleep well last night. Maybe because of my dysmenorrhea, but that is a skeptical idea or reason. I already tried listening to the Korean Music that is infiltrating my Ipod for weeks already, but it was still no effect. Kind of unusual, because it usually puts me to sleep. Oh well...

I really didn't know what to write here for now. This will just be pre-post of all the things I'll post here. Random thoughts, rants, fangirling moments and even my photography-camerawhoring fancies.

Speaking of my fan moments, my brother and I watched the basketball playoff in Beijing Olympics last night. It was a game of USA against China. My.. the Chinese players were really tall - but being tall doesn't necessarily mean you can dominate the basketball court. USA players made impressive slam dunks and shoots. My brother was just disappointed not seeing Amari - but the disappointment disappeared because Le Bron James was there.. and literally, dominating the Chinese players in his footworks, moves and hoops. We've also seen a lot of good assists and alley hoops made by Dwayne Wade and Le Bron James. But, we also noticed how the Chinese players were good in outside shooting. Who would have thought that Yao Ming can do a perfect three-point shot? Oh well...

The USA Basketball Olympic Roster overthrew China in a score of 101-70 win. Dwayne Wade leading the team with 19 points, with the aid of Lebron James contributing 18 points and 6 rebounds, while Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard garnered 13 points for the team. WOW. Talk about the ultimate basketball showoff!

Anyway, I talked to Pat over the phone last night. She told about the trailer of the upcoming movie, 'The Watchmen". She told me the background of the movie - and just like V for Vendetta, it's from a graphic novel. While she was telling a little about the movie and the plot itself, I was intrigued - and now, I'm desperately looking for an online graphic novel of it. So, if you know where I can find one.. please do tell me the link!!

Speaking of movies, she also told me that Christopher Nolan, the director and producer of Batman, might be making a sequel next to 'The Dark Knight". It was said that the next sequel might featured Catwoman, or The Riddler or Mr. Penguin. I have searched it in the internet - and the speculations were still on the process of forming. The producers and the director also have speculated the actors or actresses that might be playing the villains; it was rumored that Angelina Jolie might be playing Catwoman - which I think would be a bright idea, but I do think the character of Catwoman might be overshadowed by the celebrity status of Jolie; Johnny Depp for The Riddler (*insert for overwhelming fangirl squeeing*^0^/) which I think is an intelligent choice.. and playing for Mr. Penguin.. well, I forgot the name of the actor. I now want to screw myself.

So much for my fangirling issues, it's now time to hit the remote control and watch my daily TV show routines. (What's on Monday anyway? Oh, House MD!)

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posted by LJ at 6:02 PM - 0 comments
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